Mexican Vanilla 8.4 oz

Blue Cattle Truck Company

Regular price $38.00 Sale

Blue Cattle Truck Pure Mexican Vanilla is all natural, produced in Mexico using only the highest grade, single sourced, Mexican vanilla beans. Our Mexican vanilla is never blended with another grade or type of bean – it is the absolute best vanilla available in Mexico. The Canosa family, who produces our vanilla exclusively, has been winning the Gold Medal of Honor award in Mexico for 30 years running. It simply is the best!

The primary difference between the Traditional and the Pure is the amount of alcohol in the vanilla. According to US FDA regulations, in order to be labeled "pure" a vanilla extract must have 35% alcohol (FDA 21CFR169.3).

Our Pure Mexican vanilla contains this higher 35% alcohol content, and is therefore best utilized in those items which require high heat, such as baking. This allows much of the alcohol to cook out. Compared to other "Pure" vanilla extracts, Blue Cattle Truck is wonderfully bold and flavorful.

Shelf life for either of our Pure or Traditional varieties is the same... indefinite.  As long as you store it out of the sun, away from the heat, and not in your fridge.  Enjoy!

Made with the Richest Vanilla Beans on Earth

  • • Diploma of Honor, Gold Medal First Prize, Mexico
  • • Imported from Mexico – Bottled in the United States
  • • Gluten Free
  • • No Additives / No Preservatives
  • • All Natural
  • • Coumarin Free
  • • FDA Registered


  • • Vanilla Bean Extractive in Purified Water
  • • 35% Alcohol